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The international dinner

Hi there,

The last week one of my colleagues had the brilliant idea to do an international dinner. Everyone should cook something typical from their own country. So we decided to do this dinner on Saturday evening and to go out after.

Because the Swiss and German food is so similar I cooked a meal with my German colleague. The only really special dinners in our countries are so easy to cook but unfortunately we couldn’t find any ingredients in a super market for this meal. This was the reason we „only“ cooked a chocolate fondue with fruits and bought some German beer. We spent 45 minutes for cutting the fruits and after we could melt the chocolate. The meals of the different countries were so delicious! By the way, we ate Spanish food, Italian food, French food and of course Swiss/German food. After this I wasn’t hungry anymore. But there was still our fondue and as a Swiss girl I can always eat chocolate even if I’m not hungry.. ;-) Everyone enjoyed our fondue and after the dinner we talked and drank some beer together.

It was such a good evening and we will repeat this international dinner for sure!

After the fourth week in Brighton and a really hard start form e I can finally say that I really like it here and that the time went so fast and I’m so happy that I’ve got this opportunity!

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