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Ab nach Petersfield

Und plötzlich raste es. Das Ende meiner Ausbildung nahte, plötzlich war es nur noch ein halbes Jahr und ich musste mich mit der Frage auseinandersetzen, was ich denn nach meiner Ausbildung zum Kaufmann EFZ machen würde. Etwas, das klar war, war das Reisen. Ich wollte unbedingt noch einmal einen Sprachaufenthalt machen. Somit ging ich zu einer Sprachagentur und buchte drei Wochen Sprachschule kombiniert mit Arbeiten (die ersten zwei Wochen Teilzeit, anschliessend Vollzeit).

Und plötzlich kam alles so schnell, meine Diplomfeier und dann plötzlich mein letzter Arbeitstag. Und einen Tag später sass ich im Flugzeug Richtung London Heathrow. Und plötzlich war alles auf Englisch.

I arrived at the airport in London Heathrow. I had to search my luggage and my adventure began. In the taxi towards Petersfield there was an Italian girl and me. We were both quite excited and were looking forward to spending some time in England.

She was dropped off before me and finally the taxi stopped at a lovely house. I rang the bell and my host-dad opened the door. A very friendly man. After that I met the whole host family inclusive my host-brothers. A Polish and an Italian.

Very soon we were good friends and our first day of school (and of work) began. I worked in an office and the first day was very easy. The following days a bit harder because I had to work and not only listen. School was always fun with the other students. And work was also good, not always perfect but all in all a good experience. I learnt a lot of things.

On Saturdays, we always went on a trip, once to London, which was great, another time to Brighton. These were highlights of the trips.

All in all, I would say that it was a good experience even though not everything was perfect...

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